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Guide to Digital Post

If you have a Danish CPR number you receive Digital Post from public authorities.

Using Digital Post

  • Citizens in Denmark receive mail from Danish public authorities digitally. You will therefore not receive any mail from public authorities in your physical mailbox.

    Both the digital mailbox and the messages are called Digital Post.

    You receive Digital Post from Danish public authorities from the age of 15, and it is your obligation to read it. You are obligated to read it because it concerns important events in your life that you have to attend to. You might have been accepted to an education, received an institutional placement for you child, or you have an appointment at the hospital. Such information will be sent to you via Digital Post.

    If you are not able to receive Digital Post from public authorities, you can apply for exemption and instead receive the messages as ordinary physical mail.

    In Digital Post you can:

    • receive post from public authorities
    • send post to public authorities

    Watch a short explainer video on Digital Post:

    Content fetched from lifeindenmark.borger.dk
  • If you have a Danish CPR number, you receive your Digital Post from public authorities automatically.

    In order to log on to Digital Post, you need a MitID which is your digital ID for online public self-service. Learn more about MitID and how to get it:

    Once you have a CPR number and a MitID, you will be able to access Digital Post from the Digital Post icon at the top of lifeindenmark.dk or the Digital Post app, which can be downloaded in the App Store and Google Play Store.

    No CPR number?

    If you do not yet have a CPR number, you can apply for one at the International Citizen Service provided that you stay in Denmark for more than 3 months. 

    Content fetched from lifeindenmark.borger.dk
  • The Digital Post solution has an app that allows you to access post from public authorities on your mobile and tablet. The app is called Digital Post.

    In the Digital Post app you can:
    • read, write, answer, delete and move your Digital Post from public authorities. 
    • see your old Digital Post – and of course receive new Digital Post.
    • choose to view Digital Post in Danish or in English. The actual messages from public authorities, however, are not translated.
    • change between mailboxes with a few clicks, if another person has granted you read only access to his or her Digital Post.
    • also easily change between to your business’ mailbox if you use your private MitID for businesses or if you have had access to an association’s Digital Post.
    Where can you get the app?

    The Digital Post app can be downloaded in the App Store and Google Play Store.

    Content fetched from lifeindenmark.borger.dk
  • It is your responsibility to open and read your Digital Post. If you do not check your Digital Post regularly, you may not see post that requires action. Your Digital Post may contain decisions and notifications that require your attention.

    Not all post from public authorities can be sent digitally. Therefore, you still need to check your paper-based letters (letters in your physical letter box).

  • To apply for exemption from Digital Post you must show up at your local Danish municipality in person. Here you must fill out and sign a form stating that you live up to at least one of the exemption criteria. You will need to show a valid type of ID or identification papers.

    If you are allowed to be exempt, the municipality can give you a written receipt confirming your exemption. You are not obligated to disclose which of the exemption criteria that apply to you.

    If you are unable to show up at the municipality in person

    If you are unable to show up at the municipality yourself, you can ask someone else show up and apply for your exemption on your behalf. This requires a form that gives the person a power of attorney. The form can be hand out at the local municipality or you can download it here. The form needs to be signed by you as well as the person helping you.

    Content fetched from lifeindenmark.borger.dk
  • You can give one or more people access to read your Digital Post. You can grant reading access to others when you are logged on to borger.dk or e-Boks.dk. You can also get help to do this at the citizen service centre (borgerservice).

    In order to grant other people reading access you must:

    • know the civil registration number of the person who is to be allowed access
    • choose which post the person is to be able to read
    • write a password and give it to the person to whom you want to grant access.
  • If you need help regarding Digital Post, there is help available at your local municipality's Citizen Service. Here the staff will be ready to help and guide you.

    Do you have problems with Digital Post?

    If you have issues regarding Digital Post, please contact the Digital Post support by phone or contact form.

    Phone: +45 33 98 00 33 

    Opening hours: 

    • Monday to Friday: 8.00-20.00.
    • Weekends and holidays: 10.00-16.00
    Content fetched from lifeindenmark.borger.dk
  • As a citizen in Denmark, you receive your post from public authorities digitally. Both the mailbox and the messages are called Digital Post and ensure secure digital communication between you and the public authorities. Security is important, because messages with sensitive personal data are often exchanged.

    MitID is your digital ID for self-service online. You can use it to login to your online banking, change your advance tax statement or login to your Digital Post on lifeindenmark.dk to read post from public authorities.

    You need to use MitID to login to Digital Post.

    Content fetched from lifeindenmark.borger.dk