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Rudersdal - a great place to live

The Municipality of Rudersdal is located where the suburbs of Copenhagen end and the forests, lakes, and open landscapes of North Sealand begin. It is a cluster of large and small communities surrounded by beautiful scenery and home to more than 55,000 people.

The municipality covers an area of 73.2 sq. kilometres and is 20 minutes by public transport or car from the centre of Copenhagen.

The vision of the Municipal Council is to make Rudersdal the best place to live for all its citizens, regardless of age and origin. We work to turn this vision into reality every day.

The Municipality of Rudersdal is administered by Mayor Ann Sofie Orth and 22 elected Municipal Councillors.

Main Services of the Municipality

The main services that Rudersdal offers its residents include:

  • day care and childcare centres for children younger than 7 years;
  • schools for children 7–17 years old;
  • libraries, local sports facilities and other cultural activities;
  • homes for older people and in-home care for those who live alone;
  • certain social benefits such as payment of cash assistance and pensions;
  • integration of refugees and immigrants;
  • job search and employment projects for unemployed people; and
  • public utilities, environmental measures and emergency services.

Around Rudersdal

Rudersdal is a green municipality. We have a rich culture and leisure life, and our more than 300 clubs and associations provide a wide variety of recreational opportunities for all. Along the RudersdalRuten (Rudersdal Trail), you can find beautiful surroundings and inspiration for a variety of exciting and healthy outdoor activities.

Outdoor life

  • Rudersdal has many forests and green spaces.

    With its 583 hectares, Rude Skov (Rude Forest) is the largest forest in Rudersdal.

    It stretches from Høsterkøbvej to the north, Rudersdalvej to the south, and from Kongevejen to the west and beyond Hørsholm Kongevej to the east. Rude Skov has dams, channels and carp ponds dating back to the times of Christian IV, King of Denmark in the early 1600s. A large part of the forest is a nature reserve. It has overnight camping sites and places for bonfires. It has a nature school and a ski slope for cross-country skiing.

    In Rudersdal, you can also enjoy smaller forests and green spaces, each with its own characteristics and charm.

  • Rudersdal is surrounded by water. To the north is Sjælsø, to the southeast Furesøen, to the south Mølleåen and, last but not least, the sound Øresund to the east.

    Vedbæk Havn (Vedbæk Harbour) is the only real harbour in Rudersdal. It was established in 1917–1919 and is 2.5 metres deep and has 450 berths. Today the harbour functions as a marina but continues to accommodate fishermen, and angling trips can be organized there.

  • Rudersdal has many lakes, marsh areas and streams, which offer the opportunity to experience rich vegetation and enjoy birds and wildlife.

    Furesøen is Denmark’s deepest lake and one of the largest in North Sealand. The birdlife near the lake is very rich and, with 15 species of fish, it is popular among anglers. (Please note that you need a valid angling licence. Contact the Danish Fisheries Agency for more information.)

    Between Bistrup and Holte, there is a lake and marsh area called Vaserne with rich bird and plant life.

    You can enjoy the beauty of the area from the bird-watching tower and the contemplation pavilion. The Vaserne marsh is classified as a Natura 2000 nature protection area under the European Union directive on the conservation of natural habitats and of wild fauna and flora.

    Along the southern border of Rudersdal runs a stream called Mølleåen (Mill Stream, named after the large number of water mills situated along the stream). You can paddle or canoe down the stream. It runs through Ravnholm Forest, which is often called “the Danish Switzerland”, and Jægersborg Hegn, which is part of the UNESCO World Heritage listed par force hunting landscape in North Sealand.

    UNESCO World Heritage listed par force hunting landscape in North Zealand​ (Unesco.org)

Cultural life

  • Rudersdal’s inspiring website is called “Oplev Rudersdal”.

    The “Oplev Rudersdal” calendar is the place to find out what’s going on locally. Events include family activities, concerts, workshops, films, theatre, music, fitness training outdoors and much more.

    You can also find inspiration for outdoor events, child-friendly activities and much more.

    Oplev Rudersdal (Oplev.rudersdal.dk)

    Please note that the website is currently only in Danish. However, if you enter the web address into a web translation portal such as Google Translate, it can translate the content.

  • The Rudersdal Libraries give local residents access to culture, knowledge, information, events, advice and learning.

    Rudersdal Libraries​ (Rudbib.dk)

    The Libraries comprise the Main Library in Birkerød, Holte Library, Nærum Library and Vedbæk Library Centre.

    Main Library in Birkerød

    The Main Library in Birkerød is on Stationsvej, close to the S-train station. The library is a self-service library that users can access at times when it is unstaffed.

    Stationsvej 38
    DK-3460 Birkerød
    Phone: +45 46 11 57 00
    E-mail: bibliotek@rudersdal.dk

    Opening hours - The Main Library in Birkerød (Rudersdal Bibliotekerne)​

    Holte Library

    Holte Library is on the second floor of the Holte Midtpunkt shopping centre close to the Holte S-train station.

    Holte Library is a self-service library that users can access at times when it is unstaffed.

    Holte Midtpunkt 23, second floor
    DK-2840 Holte
    Phone: +45 46 11 58 00
    E-mail: bibliotek@rudersdal.dk

    Opening hours - Holte Library (Rudersdal Bibliotekerne)​

    Nærum Library

    Nærum Library is on Biblioteksalléen approximately 10 minutes walk from Nærum Station.

    Nærum Library is a self-service library that users can access at times when it is unstaffed.

    Biblioteksalléen 3
    DK-2850 Nærum
    Phone: +45 46 11 57 90
    E-mail: bibliotek@rudersdal.dk

    Opening hours - Nærum Library​ (Rudersdal Bibliotekerne)

    Vedbæk Library Center

    Vedbæk Library Centre is a self-service library that users can access at times when it is unstaffed.

    Vedbæk Strandvej 373

    DK-2950 Vedbæk

    Phone: +45 46 11 57 50

    E-mail: bibliotek@rudersdal.dk

    Opening hours - Vedbæk Library Centre (Rudersdal Bibliotekerne)​

  • Both the Main Library in Birkerød and Holte Library provide a tourist information service, with current booklets and brochures on Rudersdal, Copenhagen, North Zealand and the Øresund region.

    The tourist information desks can provide a variety of tourist information. However, they cannot make hotel reservations and the like.

  • Vedbækfundene – outstanding exhibition about Denmark's stone age

    The Vedbækfundene Museum is Rudersdal Museums’ archaeological department. The exhibition includes 7000-year-old excavations of the hunting people who lived in Vedbæk in the latter part of the hunter-gatherer age.

    Take a walk through the Museum’s primeval forest and get close to the wildlife from 7000 years ago. You can meet Jacob, an Iron Age skeleton, and see beautiful necklaces from the Bronze Age and much more.

    Vedbækfundene is a museum for children who can see displays of hunters’ tools and reconstructions with which they can interact. A great place to take a child or grandchild on a trip through Denmark’s hunter-gatherer past.

    The Museum is located in a wing of the Gammel Holtegaard art gallery.

    Mothsgården – museum of recent history

    The historical Mothsgården Museum is located in a beautiful thatched exhibition building adjacent to the village duck pond in Søllerød.

    Mothsgården Museum has various exhibitions highlighting the history of Rudersdal from both local and international perspectives.

    At the end of the 17th century, Mothsgården was a country retreat for privy councillor and language researcher Matthias Moth. Several original elements have been preserved in the main building of the estate.

    Mothsgården is situated between the church and the inn at Søllerød and is a good starting-point for a walk in the nearby Kirkeskoven Wood or by Søllerød Lake.

    You can buy coffee and ice cream in the Museum shop, which can be enjoyed either in the Museum’s garden or in the kitchen, which has been restored to its original 1917 appearance.

    For further information about Rudersdal Museums - visit the homepage of "Rudersdal Museer".

    Homepage of Rudersdal Museer (Museer.rudersdal.dk)​

  • The Rudersdal Trail is a unique exercise, experience and nature trail that offers many opportunities for outdoor activities. It has routes and paths where you can run, cycle or go for a walk. The Trail also features several activity oases where you can train and be active every day of the week, all year round.

    Rudersdal Ruten (Rudersdalruten.dk​)

    The Rudersdal Trail comprises the main RudersdalRuten and several shorter trails.

    • RudersdalRuten – 42.195 km (the official marathon distance)
    • Lysløjpen (illuminated trail) – a ski and jogging trail lit by 239 lights over 2.5 km
    • TusindbenRuten (millipede trail) – a living adventure for children
    • Forskerruten (discovery trail) – nature, exercise and technology
    • SundhedsRuten (health trail) – exercise for and with the heart
    • SkodsborgRuten (Skodsborg trail) – exercise and contemplation over 6.6 km
    • FamilieRuten (family trail) – a cycle route for the family
    • VM-Ruten (world championship trail) – a competition route
    • TrørødSløjfen (Trørød trail) – running in eights
    • KulturSlangen (culture trail) – nature, art and history over 14.5 km
  • You can spend many happy hours exploring the Rudersdal Trail universe.

    Take the whole family out into the countryside and visit.

    Tusindbenruten - The milipede trail

    In addition to being a nature and exercise trail, the millipede trail also tells about the king of the millipedes, magic mice and the green sea witch. You can also find stories about the king of the millipedes at Rudersdal Libraries and the Mariehøj Culture Centre.

    Tusindbenruten​ (Oplev.rudersdal.dk)

    Fairytaleforest (Eventyrskoven)

    Many fairytale creatures live in a forest in Nærum. For example, you can meet the fiery hedge witch, elves, musical trolls, a massive spider and a giant. The fairytale forest is for children 3–6 years old.

    Eventyrskoven​ (Oplev.rudersdal.dk)

    Cycle park i Trørød

    There is plenty of room to play and learn by bike at the Trørød School cycle park, Cykelmyggens legeplads. Take the family and the bikes and learn some cool bike tricks.

    Mariehøj - outdoor

    The Mariehøj Culture Centre is surrounded by several outdoor spaces and facilities that can be used as play areas, activities and other events.

    The hilly landscape next to the main entrance is a great place to play hide and seek or organize other activities for children. In addition, you can use the table tennis table. Bats and balls can be borrowed on site and must be returned in the same condition as before.

    Mariehøj Cultural Centre​ (Mariehoej.rudersdal.dk) 

    Petanque Pitch

    Behind the Mariehøj Cultural Centre is the petanque pitch, which is open all year. Petanque balls can be borrowed on site. After use, the balls must be returned in the same condition as before. The pitch must be raked after use and any rubbish removed. The pitch is not available on weekdays between 10:00 and 12:00.

    Mariehøj Cultural Centre​ (Mariehoej.rudersdal.dk)


    If you would like to play mini-golf, you can cross Øverødvej to the grass area opposite Mariehøj Culture Centre. Clubs and golf balls can be rented on site at a cost of DKK 25 per person and payable via MobilePay. After use, the clubs, balls and score card holder must be returned to the reception.

    Read the instructions at the main entrance about how to find the equipment.

    Mariehøj Cultural Centre​ (Mariehoej.rudersdal.dk)

  • Interested in more cultural history? The Culture Trail includes several short walks that branch off the original route. These focus on the history in the areas around Vedbæk, Gammel Holtegaard, Næsseslottet and Søllerød.

    Vedbækturen – from fishing hamlet to fashionable residential areas

    This short walk around Vedbæk is 4.5 kilometres.

    Vedbækturen​ (Oplev.rudersdal.dk)

    Gl. Holtegårdturen – village, baroque and fashionable residential areas

    This short walk in Gammel Holte is 4.8 kilometres.

    Gl. Holtegårdturen (Oplev.rudersdal.dk)​ 

    Næsseslotsturen – retail magnate's english landscaped garden

    This short walk at lake Furesøen near Holte is 3.1 kilometres (4.15 km including Luknam).

    Næsseslotsturen (Oplev.rudersdal.dk)​ 

    Søllerødruten – highways, byways and bordering areas

    This short walk around Søllerød is 3.2 kilometres.

    Søllerødturen​ (Oplev.rudersdal.dk)

Sports facilities

  • Rudersdal has several sports arenas. The most important ones are:

    Birkerød Idrætscenter (Birkerød Sports Centre)

    Bistrupvej 1

    DK-3460 Birkerød

    Rundforbi Idrætsanlæg (Rundforbi Sports Centre)

    Egebækvej 118-120

    DK-2850 Nærum

    Rudegaard Idrætsanlæg (Rudegaard Sports Centre)

    Kongevejen 164-168

    DK-2840 Holte

    For further information about sports arenas in Rudersdal - visit the homepage of "Idræt Rudersdal"

    Rudersdal sports​ (oplev.rudersdal.dk - in Danish)

  • Rudersdal has many clubs and associations. We offer all kinds of activities for you to enjoy in your spare time. Joining a club or association of your interest is also a great way to meet Danes.

    If you want to join a sports club or association, you can search for them in our Association Directory (Foreningsregister).

    Rudersdal Association Directory (Frivillig.rudersdal.dk)​ 

    The directory is in Danish, but a dictionary (or online translation portals) should make finding specific types of clubs and associations fairly easy. Contact the individual club or association for more information in English.

    Rudersdal has the following clubs and associations:

    • evening schools;
    • trade organizations;
    • leisure activity associations: clubs for card games, stamp collecting, dogs, angling, hunting and role play;
    • sports clubs: American football, athletics, badminton, basketball, billiards, boxing, table tennis, cycling, scuba diving, ballroom dancing, angling, football (including indoors), golf, gymnastics, hockey, dog training, handball, jiu-jitsu, judo, martial arts, canoeing and kayaking, karate, crochet, running, orienteering, pétanque, horseback riding, rowing, yachting, mini-sports, senior sports, chess, skiing, shooting, squash, Nordic walking, swimming, taekwondo, tennis, underwater rugby, water polo, waterskiing and volleyball;
    • cultural associations and social clubs: arts, music, choir, dancing, theatre and movies, local history, environmental protection, cycling, senior clubs and charity work;
    • umbrella organizations;
    • political organisations; and
    • scouting associations.

Shopping and eating out in Rudersdal

  • Birkerød Hovedgade (main street) is a cosy pedestrian street with a wide selection of shopping possibilities.

    There are several places to buy groceries, cafés and eateries and a cinema with two theatres.

  • Holte Midtpunkt or downtown Holte opposite Rudersdal Town Hall is a shopping centre with several specialty shops, supermarkets, a post office, a café and a restaurant. Holte Stationsvej, Øverødvej (where there is a cinema), and several shops and restaurants on Kongevejen comprise Holte town centre.

  • Nærumvænge Torv (square) includes several specialty shops, a pharmacy, a restaurant and a supermarket.

    Not far from Nærumvænge is Nærum Hovedgade (main street), which also has a variety of shops.

  • In addition to the main centres mentioned above, there are smaller, local shopping centres in Bistrup, Trørød and Vedbæk.

    In the picturesque village of Søllerød, you may enjoy a gourmet meal at Søllerød Kro (Inn), a one-star Michelin restaurant.

Getting around in Rudersdal

  • Zoom in on the map to view the details or type in an address to see what’s near you ('Indtast adresse').

  • Rudersdal has a good public transport network, with S-trains to Holte and Birkerød, regional trains along the coast to stations like Skodsborg and Vedbæk and a single-track local train service ending in Nærum. Rudersdal also has excellent local and regional bus services covering its residential areas and business parks.

    For further information on transport options in Denmark​ (Lifeindenmark.dk)